Monday, March 1, 2010

my 1st TAG

oppss...i kene tag wit my sis.adoiss..nsb bek simple mimple.hehe..ok..lets see my wallpaper...

1) You have to print screen wallpaper that you are using right now

2) Tell us why you like the wallpaper

my current wallpaper juz HP nye yg sudah siap setting. i mls nk i just prefer sumthing yg simple2 jer.but b4 this i like sumting yg black,gothic..its nice...since now im in the office..i juz let it be simple so sng saya mau letak mcm2 n senang mau cari folder and simple how bout u guys???let me tag u..hehe

3) Tag 10 people...

- Great Teacher Onizuka
- K.jun
- k.ina kl
- ijan finland
-ika bangkok
-perantau london

so, for those yg kene tag, suka ati nk jawab @ x..klu time bosan2 tu bleh la buat..hehe(mcm suruh buat je kan??)


  1. yay i dah tag u..selamat d'tag..but asal u punya wallpaper nnmpk nerd je huh? merah, kamo nerd kee
