Thursday, March 11, 2010


salam semua..pejam..celik..pejam..celik dah hari khamis.esk plak hari jumaat..pastu weekn.n for those yg mengajar kat sekolah akan bercuti 1 la bdk2 skolah time week penuhla dgn wedding dis time aku xblik coz ade commitment pd kwn2 aku yg naik pelamin this wekn, wish u will happy ever after ok..!!

tgk title tu mst korg igt aku nk buat contest ke ape kan??nk wat contest ape..viewer pun xbyk..follower pun bru je 40..hehe.xde la..xde ape2 contest lg wat mse d future inys'allah. rutian harian aku pg2 mst bce paper, so td aku ade bce satu berita psl Kadar Kesuburan Wanita di Malaysia dijangka turun pada tahun 2015 kat utusan.pd mse tu, 1 org wanita akan hanya 2 org anak sahaja.ini hanyalah prediction jer..

tp aku rse possibility of prediction is correct due to woman's lifestyle yg more concerned about their career rather than thinking about having a family. lg satu, most of woman skrg ni are very educated compared to man..cbe korg tgk klu kat Uni..mst dlm klas nisbah 1:3(laki:perempuan). tp mse aku study dlu, klas aku 2:3, so xbyk beza sgt..well technical, mst la ssh klu perempuan nk cr yg setaraf. tambahan plak klu involves family yg nk menantu keje besar2 jer..mne nk cr tu..sbb tu la byk perempuan yg kawen lmbt or jd andalusia..xkan diorg nk rembat je kot..xpsl2 kene tanggung semua..bak kata org xde penyakit sje cari penyakit.. adooii..

and for those yg dah kawen, they have to planning for their family. kan skrg living cost kan tinggi especially yg stay kat bandar2 besar. nk byr sewa rumah, toll, minyak, monthly expenses lg, byr maid byk benda nk fikir. so kan klu ade ank ramai xterjaga ssh gak..kene fikir kualiti bukan kuantiti..

korg rse spe yg patut dipersalahkan??perempuan..aku xsokong klu perempuan yg dipersalahkan

any idea??

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